Soil Management in Site-Specific Agriculture                      June 2001


D. Keith Morris, Information Systems Manager

Purdue University Site-Specific Management Center

1150 Lilly Hall, Room 3458

West Lafayette, IN 47907-1150

Phone: (765) 496-6472


Soil is the foundation for everything we do. Farmers, consultants, and researchers alike have realized for years that the spatial variability of soil is difficult to assess.  With the advent of site-specific management practices, within-field variability of yield, soil, topography, soil electro-conductivity, etc. have come to the forefront and are now being addressed by research in the form of field scale on-farm trials by both producers and universities.

      The characterization of soil properties is a daunting task at best.  In the past, farmers have relied upon published soil surveys which were produced in the 1940's and 1950's for the most part.  When these soil surveys were created their primary purpose was for "land-planning" such as drainage and erosion control.  These soil surveys also contain predictions of soil behavior for selected land uses. They also highlight limitations and hazards inherent in the soil, improvements needed to overcome limitations, and the impact of selected land uses on the environment.  Even though yield potential was a part of these predictions, they were/are very subjective in nature.

      Farmers, consultants, and soil scientists have long professed that there is as much variability within soil types as there is between soil types, especially when one uses the current soil survey as a decision making tool.  The current soil survey was never intended to be used to make management decisions on the scale that is now possible using the new technologies of GPS, GIS, and remote sensing.  Published soil surveys are typically on a scale of 1:15,840 or 1:24,000, and with the new technologies, we are able to map areas in the range of 1:500 or smaller.

      The current "buzzword" in site-specific management is the need for a "1st Order Soil Survey".  This soil mapping procedure approaches a scale of 1:500 -- a scale that is also possible with current yield monitor data.  However, this scale of mapping is extremely labor intensive and requires an expertise that is usually the result of years of experience.   Two of the first things an experienced soil scientist looks for when he/she enters a field that is to be mapped are the topography/landform and soil color/tone characteristics of the soil.  These two characteristics are indicators of several different soil attributes such as OM content, water holding capacity, water availability, to a certain extent CEC, depth to till, etc., all of which are important in determining soil variability and ultimately yield variability.  Thus, remote sensing has the potential to aid in the characterization of these soil properties. Soil color and topography data in the past have been used to generate soil and topographic maps; however, the resolution of the images was not fine enough to be used at a field scale.  With the emergence of high resolution (~1m) image data both multi-spectral and in some cases hyper-spectral, we are now able to "view" an area that is comparable to the area we obtain using site-specific tools.

      Crop consultants, fertilize dealers and farmers themselves are in search of "management zones" which will allow them to explore "spatial variations" within a particular area of a field as a subset of the whole field.  Until now these "management zones" have been dictated by computer programs which only allowed farmers to manage areas in small blocks (i.e. grids).  These blocks have commonly been 1 acre to 2 1/2 acres in size and could either be square or rectangular in shape.  However, as we all know Mother Nature does not display her wares in squares or rectangles, and this method of soil sampling does not account for "non-linear factors" located within a square or rectangular grid, such as change in soil type, drainage problems, topographic changes, etc.

      Currently, soil physical and chemical properties are both difficult and expensive to evaluate on a site-specific basis.  Precision agriculture is in its infancy, and how the spatial characteristics of soil affect yield is even less understood.  Correlations with yield are mediocre at best, because of interactions with weather and other factors, such as both soil physical and chemical properties, insect pressures, weed infestations, etc..  Future research will need to address the scale at which we need to manage these attributes, which properties are yield limiting for specific sites, and how we will manage our agricultural inputs in an "environmentally friendly" manner.

      As we enter the 21st century, producers must be increasingly aware of the fact that the environment is a closed system.  The agricultural inputs that are supplied do not disappear; they are simply redistributed over time.  The goal should be to control their movement and protect fragile resources such as soil quality.  Environmental consciousness must not be considered a nuisance, but a requirement for survival.