January 2002


The Order 1 Soil Survey: Getting It Ready to Use


Soil Management in Site-Specific Agriculture

Update on Order 1 Soil Surveying: Issue 2 of 3


G.K. Blumhoff, SSMC Information Systems Manager


Increasing the amount of soil information is important when building a crop GIS to help improve management practices. The widely available Order 2 soil surveys were developed for general land use planning purposes and not for site-specific management applications. Traditional methods for the more detailed Order 1 surveys are time consuming and expensive. The November 2001 SSMC newsletter reported on an attempt to use remote sensing data to speed up and reduce the cost of Order 1 surveys. This article focuses on data processing, compilation and preparation of the Order 1 survey for evaluation and use.


Soil mapping was performed on about 110 acres of agricultural land cropped in a no-till corn-soybean rotation at the Davis Purdue Ag Center (DPAC) in Randolph County, east central Indiana. On average, two soil scientists and one spatial information specialist were present during the mapping period (6 days in the field). Standard mapping techniques were used in addition to transect sampling to delineate soil types. Basic tools included a Munsell color chart, acid bottle, soil probe, and an experienced pair of eyes. Flagging was used to delineate between different soil units, to help guide the direction of sampling, and for recording the density of soil cores collected. The Order 1 and 2 soil surveys maintain different requirements for soil descriptions (National Soil Survey Handbook). The Order 2 normally includes soil name and soil unit (Condit silt loam, Condit). The Order 1 includes the soil unit and name, great group and subgroup (Condit silt loam, Condit, Typic Epiaqualfs).


Let us consider the site-specific application and spatial technology aspects of the analysis process. Several spatial data sets were utilized during the second Order 1 soil survey, they included GPS, GIS map layers, and remote sensing data. GPS data included points, lines, and polygons collected in the field and stored on a handheld computer. All data sets used and created were referenced with UTM coordinates. Typical file formats used were ".shp, .sid, and .jpeg". Other GIS data sets used included: a digitized Order 2 soil survey produced in 1981, and an IKONOS panchromatic image obtained on 1 June 2001 (bare soil 2001), ATLAS Thermal infrared obtained on 5 May 1999 (bare soil 1998), 6" topographic intervals (laser guided leveling), field boundaries, and existing tile drainage maps. It is important to note that the thermal data were used in response to field management issues that occurred in 2000 and 2001 that masked some of the underlying soil conditions present in one of the fields in the project. This was used to reduce the “noise” from past management practices (i.e. plot research, variable crop-type residue, and varying tillage practices). As stated, mapping procedures included the collection of polygons, polylines, and points for every flag and soil boundary delineated. Flag locations were referenced for location and included about 975 points mapped. It is important to note that for every flag location mapped, a minimum of six soil cores was collected to place soil boundary markers. Approximately 5,580 soil cores were collected to assess soil type boundaries in the Order 1 mapping process.


After the three fields were completely mapped and flagged, the GPS data was downloaded and prepared for analysis and Order 1 map production. The data were displayed in Arcview 3.2 GIS. In order to produce a final map for comparison, digitizing was necessary to compile and clean up the georeferenced data layers. A new Arcview extension was added and used to digitize the large number of polygon and polyline files that existed for the three fields mapped during the soil survey. The Arcview extension called "NWF/DEM Data Editing Extension" (de.avx) was the primary digitizing engine used in map data processing. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management provided the extension.


The map production process included the following GIS processing steps:


1.     Georeferenced data download and Arcview display

2.     Digitize all referenced data to create new polylines and polygons

3.     Using NWF/DEM Editing Extension, "unbuild" all digitized polygons and polylines

4.     "Building" a single polygon from digitized data.

5.     Correct any "dead-links" in polyline data using Arcview "snapping" function

6.     Add attribute data to polygon table to provide descriptions for Order 1 soil type data

7.     Adjust soil type boundaries to coincide with existing image and topographic data

8.     Send polygon shape file for NRCS and Purdue faculty review

9.     Revise polygon shape file according to NRCS requirements


A few comments on the usefulness of the GIS processing techniques and spatial data sets may be of value to others interested in using our approach. The added spatial information (topography and image data) aided in decision making during soil type boundary adjustment. Mapping flag locations provided a known reference point for solving discrepancies in soil type boundaries and a sampling density to gauge the resolution of the data collected. The georeferenced data were digitized to reduce the number of data files existing for the mapping exercise. Digitizing also reduced the volume of data obtained from DGPS settings which were set at intervals of 1 second during the mapping process. The data collection intervals were used to document fine changes in soil type boundaries. Once the shape of the soil type boundaries were known, they could then be digitized or traced-over to eliminate data storage requirements. GIS processing was limited to problems associated with several separate shape files and the type of files saved (polygon and polyline).


For future mapping exercises, it is recommended that only a few polyline files should be created during the data collection process. This would eliminate storage and organizational problems that occurred during Order 1 map production. Further, if the NWF/DEM Editing Extension for Arcview is used, it is recommended that only polylines be created, instead of a mixture of polylines and polygons during field data collection. This would eliminate some problems that occurred during the "unbuilding and rebuilding" process of creating a single seamless polygon.  Polylines require less processing to combine and intersect than polygons. This is important where two separate polygons share a common boundary. Thus, a seamless data set cannot be produced unless the data are joined as to include the entire mapped area. See Figure 1 for a detailed look of the GIS processing from initial georeferenced data (points, lines, and polygons) to final approved Order 1 soil survey shown in Figure 2.


This document is the second in a series of three newsletters outlining the processes and comparison of spatial data and the Order 1. The upcoming newsletter will include information on the analysis and comparison of yield data and EC data related to the Order 1 soil survey map.