April 2016

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Special Promotions Issue

Please join us in congratulating these faculty and staff members who have earned promotion in rank this year:



Associate Professor to Professor

AimeMary Catherine Aime, Botany and Plant Pathology





BowlingLaura Bowling, Agronomy






JiangYiwei Jiang, Agronomy






Shihuan KuangShihuan Kuang, Animal Sciences






Xiaoqi LiuXiaoqi Liu, Biochemistry






Zoltan MachatyZoltan Machaty, Animal Sciences






Bryan YoungBryan Young, Botany and Plant Pathology






Assistant Professor to Associate Professor

Zhao MaZhao Ma, Forestry and Natural Resources






Jacob Ricker-GilbertJacob Ricker-Gilbert, Agricultural Economics






Sean RotarSean Rotar, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture







Research Assistant to Research Associate Professor

Dieudonne BaributsaDieudonné Baributsa, Entomology







Administrative Professional Staff

To Rank 6

Jill BlumeJill Blume, Food Science






Baofang FanBaofang Fan, Botany and Plant Pathology






Colleen FlynnColleen Flynn, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture






No photoMatthew Pearson, Office of the Indiana State Chemist






Sherry PogranichniySherry Pogranichniy, Biochemistry






Rebecca StephensRebecca Stephens, Agricultural Communication






Stephen SwainStephen Swain, Agricultural and Biological Engineering






Ping WanPing Wan, Office of the Indiana State Chemist






To Rank 5

No photoAdam Brooks, Agriculture Information Technology






Meredith CobbMeredith Cobb, Agricultural Research at Purdue






Aaron FisherAaron Fisher, Purdue Extension






Kevin GibsonKevin Gibson, Office of the Indiana State Chemist






Yvonne HardebeckYvonne Hardebeck, Agricultural and Biological Engineering






Kara HartmanKara Hartman, International Programs in Agriculture







Jianming LeiJianming Lei, Office of the Indiana State Chemist






Kathy LesterKathy Lester, Agricultural Communication






No PhotoDavid McClure, Entomology-CERIS





Cynthia MyersCynthia Myers, Botany and Plant Pathology






Carol WeaverCarol Weaver, Agricultural and Biological Engineering






Eduardo XimenesEduardo Ximenes, Agricultural and Biological Engineering







To Rank 4

Angela AlbrightAngela Albright, Food Science






Andrew BantaAndrew Banta, Agricultural Communication






Bob BrewerRobert Brewer, Office of the Indiana State Chemist






Young Hee ChoYoung-Hee Cho, Food Science






Nicole DeArmandNicole DeArmond, Agronomy






Kelsey GetzinKelsey Getzin, Agricultural Communication






Samuel GuffeySamuel Guffey, Forestry and Natural Resources






Joseph IkleyJoseph Ikley, Botany and Plant Pathology






Jenny KellyJenny Kelly, Agronomy






Kelly LoughKelly Lough, Office of Academic Programs






Jeffrey RavelletteJeffrey Ravellette, Botany and Plant Pathology






Kara SalazarKara Salazar, Forestry and Natural Resources






Katrina SanchezKatricia Sanchez, Agricultural Economics






Karil SommersKaril Sommers, Agriculture Business Office






Robert StephensonRobert Stephenson, Biochemistry






Vicki StirmVicki Stirm, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture






Alicia WestAlicia West, Agronomy






Jun WuJun Wu, Animal Sciences






Ashley YorkAshley York, Animal Sciences






Mike ZeltwangerMike Zeltwanger, Animal Sciences